The Company is one of the leading global food solutions providers engaged in food products and service to commercial customers in the food related industry as well as consumers via the Company’s various channels in Thailand and abroad.
Business Overview
Business by product categories
Our diversified product portfolio across multiple protein categories mainly in chicken and pork, as well as duck, eggs and, and plant-based products. Combined with our access to diversified distribution channels which includes retail, food service providers, and wholesale distributors. The company is positioned favorably against our competitions.
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Sustainability Development

Overview of Our Sustainability Strategy

We are committed to fulfilling our corporate social responsibility primarily through driving sustainable development. We support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and integrate them into our sustainability strategy under three pillars – economic sustainability, social sustainability and environmental sustainability. Under this strategy, we endeavour to meet our vision of “To uplift everyone’s health by driving the food transition to preventive healthcare” and strengthen our Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) and innovative development.

Economic Sustainability

Our mission is to fulfil consumers’ preference, trend and lifestyle at all ages in every region of the World.. We go above and beyond to support customers and consumers alike in recognizing the wider opportunities and positive impacts they can induce with each communication and purchase, resulting in an effective engagement. Consumers now expect to learn as much about their products as possible prior to purchasing.

In addition to taste and quality, consumers today also focus on the nutritional value of food products for better health and longer life. We are therefore committed to supply food products with proper nutrition that meet the dietary requirements of all ages and different physical conditions. Globally, consumers are undeniable leaning towards healthier options and become increasingly knowledgeable concerning food quality, safety and respective standards. As people become more health conscious, their decision-making presently factors beyond mere taste. The emphasis is now placed on the quality, safety and nutritional value of food products.

For this shift in preferences and heighten awareness, we are committed to developing and delivery quality food products with proper nutrition meeting the dietary requirements of all age groups and different physical, in accordance with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Effective food safety and quality food control are the key safeguarding the health and well-being of people. Good well-being also fosters economic development and improve livelihood. This is why we are committed to continuously deliver quality food & safety, which is accessible to all markets. Through serve our commitments, we have focus on these 2 material topics:

Food Quality and Safety

Food safety, good nutrition and food security are interrelated. Contaminated food causes illness in individuals globally. This results in both social and economic consequences, including the loss of human resources and strain on public health finances. As a global food solutions provider, the company recognizes the significance of implementing protective measures to ensure the quality and safety of its products. The company is dedicated to providing quality food to the world, while also taking steps to reduce potential risks and build trust among consumers and other stakeholders.

Responsible Marketing

The company acknowledges its role in providing nutritious food that is clean, safe, and meets the diverse needs of consumers across different age groups. By supporting the strategy, the company also places a high importance on providing accurate and transparent product and nutritional information to enable consumers to make informed decisions.

Social Sustainability

We are committed to laying a strong foundation of human resources management based on fairness and equality in accordance with the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). We also encourage our business partners to implement the same principles in their business operations. Our efforts include:

  • Diversity management, where we aim to prevent and protect employees at all levels from discrimination due to race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, social status, gender, age, physical condition, political beliefs and marital status, create a working atmosphere that encourages mutual respect and constructive communication as well as equal opportunities and appropriate performance appreciation for all employees;
  • Occupational health and safety, where we recognise and focus on our employees’ occupational health, safety and workplace environment.

We are committed to consistently engage with all our stakeholders, incorporate a host of sustainability concepts, such as social value creation, universality, community investment across all process and cascade down. Our goals and determination to support the public are reflected in our policies and commitments by following 2 material topics:

Human Rights

In 2022, the company set out key policies relevant to human rights reaffirming its commitment to respect for human rights and protection of right-holders of all groups, including diverse and vulnerable groups. The key policies include Code of Conduct, Human Rights Policy, Non-Discrimination Policy, and Anti-Harassment Policy.

The Code of Conduct outlines essential values and expectations for all company employees. Its purpose is to guarantee that all directors and employees follow by corporate ethics standards pertaining to integrity, quality, people, and assets. It created standards that have been adopted by the entire organization. All employees are to be protected, and the company will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, race, colour, ancestry, creed, religion, social status, sexual orientation, gender, age, physical physiology, disability or disability, language, political opinions, marital status, or any other characteristic that leads to discrimination. The company also prevents all forms of abuse and harassment whether or not the behaviour has a sexual implication. The company has applied this principle to employees at all levels both in Thailand and abroad.

Community Development and Support

The company is aware of how crucial food cleanliness is, especially for those who are part of socially vulnerable groups including children, youth, the elderly, and people from underprivileged backgrounds, while COVID-19 was in circulation. As a result, the company continues to provide nourishing foods to elderly people and COVID-19 pandemic victims through the Food from Heart against COVID-19 Project and Krua Pan Im Project, among other projects.

With the business of the company that has links with many trade partners and small entrepreneurs, the company is aware of its role in managing social and environmental issues. Focus on creating sustainability by instilling learning skills for communities and vulnerable people to be able to cope with change, as well as bringing the knowledge gained to increase, extend and pass on until becoming a strong community. We have been offering a business model for entrepreneurs through Five Star franchise business, including Five Star Chicken kiosk, Star Coffee, Chao Sua Duck, Hi Pork, and Hainanese Chicken Rice.

Environmental Sustainability

We collaborate with government agencies, private sector, local communities and other stakeholders to enhance our management of environmental impacts at the company level as well as the industry levels. Our facilities are subject to a variety of provincial, national and international environmental laws and regulations, which include provisions relating to the discharge of materials into the environment and for the general protection of the environment.

Climate Change Management

The company has implemented a management approach that includes setting policies and standards for safety, health, environment, and energy (SHE&En standard) and conducting regular audits to ensure compliance. This approach also includes training, performance audits and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) monitoring. The company also conducts analysis and assessment of risks, opportunities, and impacts of business operations on climate change, including waste and product management. To mitigate these impacts and achieve Net Zero goals,

The company utilizes innovation and technology. The company also engages with various stakeholders to enhance resource management excellence. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration, the company has focused on the offer of low-carbon products.

Responsible Sourcing and Sustainable Packaging

We are determined to build strong and long-term relationship with suppliers, thus improving performance on environmental, social and ethical issues is vital for mutual growth opportunities for all parties involved. Effective supply chain management can foster and enhance capacity building for our suppliers and business partners, particularly in our food service sector, where production is mainly outsourced. Our interest encompasses environmental safeguarding, sustainable sourcing, waste reduction and using resource effectively.

In addition, the company is committed to managing resources with full efficiency. Support Bio-Circular-Green Economy or BCG of the country, which helps reduce costs and create a sustainable balance for the environment. The company has focused on the use of food packaging from the design process to be able to deliver safe food products to consumers. This helps reduce the use of resources along with sustainable environmental management. In addition, we have the Packaging Management Framework, which places an emphasis on packaging alternatives, minimizes single-use plastic, and ensures that recyclable packaging is actually recycled.

Food Loss and Food Waste

The company, one of the leading food solutions, is aware of how much food is wasted and how this contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the company has a policy to operate its business in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and work to provide food security by encouraging access to food and delivering high-quality, safe food that meets consumers' needs at an accessible price.

The company has implemented a food waste management pilot project which aim for zero food waste . The First-in-First-out (FIFO) concept is used to control raw material and ingredient inventories in order to accomplish product rotation. Before bringing it to the waste collection point, leftover raw ingredients from cooking, including trimmed vegetables, egg shells, burnt meat that cannot be eaten, and leftover food from the customer's meal, will be separated and disposed of as food waste from other waste so that the disposer can use it for other purposes, such as composting or bio-fertilizers, used for growing vegetables without chemicals, etc. The used vegetable oil was sold to a buyer who would use it to produce biodiesel oil.

Surplus food, which is food that is about to expire and cannot be sold but can still be eaten safely and in perfect packaging, is also brought in and sent to particular neighborhoods as part of the domestic trade business to help fight hunger and reduce the amount of food waste that ends up in landfills. Additionally, to minimize the amount of trash that goes to landfills, food that has expired or isn't suitable for consumption is sold to buyers to be used as aquatic feed.

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