The Company is one of the leading global food solutions providers engaged in food products and service to commercial customers in the food related industry as well as consumers via the Company’s various channels in Thailand and abroad.
Business Overview
Business by product categories
Our diversified product portfolio across multiple protein categories mainly in chicken and pork, as well as duck, eggs and, and plant-based products. Combined with our access to diversified distribution channels which includes retail, food service providers, and wholesale distributors. The company is positioned favorably against our competitions.
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Human Rights and Labor Practices
We recognize and emphasize respect for human and labor rights of our employees and workers, as well as for our business partners throughout our complex supply chain. We are committed to laying a strong foundation of human resources management based on fairness and equality in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and International Labour Organization (ILO). We also encourage our business partners to implement the same principles in their business operations.
1 ILO: World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2019 (2019).
Management Approach
  • We declare our commitment and manage human rights through our human rights and labor practices policies. These policies exhibit our concrete commitment to fighting against human rights violation and to promoting good labor practices.
  • We foster respect for human rights within the organization through our relevant policies. We communicate these policies to employees and business partners to strengthen our management of human rights and labor practices.
  • We regularly assess human rights impacts to identify issues regarding and improve our management of human rights and labor practices.
  • We provide whistleblowing channels for reporting and receiving feedback to be considered in our management.


The Company believes that when people are engaged with their work and respect the differences, they will create both added value for the business and shared value for the society. We work hard to ensure that we manage our people with fairness, raise their awareness on labor rights, and respect a wide variety of differences in accordance with our Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking and relevant human rights and labor practices policies.Meanwhile, Safety, Health, Environment and Energy Vision, Mission and Policy lays out our commitment to promoting health and safety among our employees and contractors in compliance with laws and regulations so that they can work happily and safely.

We recognize and value difference and diversity in concepts, skills and experiences of employees as we believe such diversity can reinforce their capabilities in driving the Company sustainably. We have set out policies and practices that promote diversity within the organization. These include the Diversity and Inclusion Policy, the Employment and Labor Management Policy, and the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy. Our aims are to prevent and protect employees at all levels - in the zero-tolerance approach - from discrimination due to race, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, family origin, belief, religion, social status, gender, age, physical stature, disability, political thoughts and marital status, and to prevent all forms of harassment and threats. Their implementation applies to and across the Company’s domestic and overseas operations. In addition, as we integrate Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs) into our sustainability strategy and targets, we put particular focus on gender equality with an aim to generally empower women within our organization. Thus, for the benefits of both the business and employees, we promote compliance with our policies and practices by adhering to the following principles below
  • Leaders must be open to others’ opinions;
  • Employees are encouraged to express their constructive ideas;
  • Working atmospheres and mutual respects for co-existence are enhanced on the basis of difference; and
  • Principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities are adhered to, and appropriate performance appreciation of employees is practiced.
  • Title Download
    Human Rights Policy
    Non-Discrimination Policy
    Anti-Harassment Policy
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