The Company is one of the leading global food solutions providers engaged in food products and service to commercial customers in the food related industry as well as consumers via the Company’s various channels in Thailand and abroad.
Business Overview
Business by product categories
Our diversified product portfolio across multiple protein categories mainly in chicken and pork, as well as duck, eggs and, and plant-based products. Combined with our access to diversified distribution channels which includes retail, food service providers, and wholesale distributors. The company is positioned favorably against our competitions.
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CPFNW purchased assets in relation to its import and export sales business and related service business from CPM


The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of CPFGS No. 1/2023, held on 17 March 2023, resolved to approve (1) the change of our name from “CPF Trading Company Limited” to “CPF Global Food Solution Public Company Limited”, (2) the change of par value of our shares from THB 10 per share to THB 0.50 per share and (3) a capital increase of THB 33,350,000 from THB 800,000,000 to THB 833,350,000.


On April 3, 2023 the CPF Board of Directors resolved to approve CPF Restaurant and Food Chain Co., Ltd. ("CPFRF"), a subsidiary of the Company, to enter into the acquisition of the “FIVE STAR” trademarks and service marks which are registered in 12 countries from Charoen Pokphand Group Co., Ltd. (“CPG”) to support the growth of the restaurant business under “FIVE STAR” trademarks and service marks.

Milestones 2022

We acquired interests from CPM in the following companies in corporate restructuring transactions entered into in connection with the Offering:

  • 99.99% of the outstanding shares in Chester’s, IPF and CPFRF;
  • 100% of the outstanding shares in CPFFP, CPFHK and CPFSG;
  • 52% of the outstanding shares in CPFDK; and
  • CPFHK acquired 99.99% of the outstanding shares in CPFEU and 100% of the outstanding shares in CPC.
Milestones 2023
Milestones 2021

WBG dissolved 119 subsidiaries in the UK due to the changes in the import regulations, which changed the basis of the quota allocation from the number of licenced companies to the quantity of import.


CPFEU, transferred Charoen Pokphand Foods (Overseas) LLC to a subsidiary of CPF Group.


73 subsidiaries of Paulsen Food GmbH were merged into Paulsen Food GmbH.

Milestones 2022
Milestones 2020

CPFEU acquired 100% of the ordinary shares of WBG, whose main businesses are the sale of meat and RTE products to retail, food service provider and food manufacturing customers in the UK and countries in the European Union.

Milestones 2021
Milestones 2019

CPF Europe S.A., acquired the remaining 5% equity interest in Paulsen Food GmbH.

Milestones 2020
Milestones 2018

CPFUK, acquired the remaining 40% equity interest in The Foodfellas Limited.


CPF Europe S.A., acquired the remaining 42.47% equity interest in CPFUK.

Milestones 2019
Milestones 2017

CPFEU, acquired 94.9% of the total issued shares of Paulsen Food GmbH, a company primarily engaged in the sourcing and selling of food products to food service providers and food manufacturers in Germany and other European Union countries.

Milestones 2018
Milestones 2016

CPFUK, acquired 59.99% of the total paid-up shares of The Foodfellas Limited, a company engaged in the food service business that imports and distributes raw materials and other food products from around the world to customers in various countries including the UK.

Milestones 2017
Milestones 2014

CPFDK acquired 29% of the total issued and paid-up shares in Kalino Food AB, a company based in Sweden.

Milestones 2016
Milestones 2012

CPF acquired 99.99% of the issued shares of Chester’s, which is currently operated as a fast-food business in Thailand.


We started, and subsequently transferred to CPFRF, a food court business called “CP Food World” (“Food World”) in Thailand.

Milestones 2014
Milestones 2005

CPF started operating the “Five Star” food kiosk chain under a franchise business model.

Milestones 2012
Milestones 2000

CPF established CPF trading (“CPFT”) in Thailand

Milestones 2005
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